Day: September 24, 2021

get more people to call her local catering business

Which bidding strategy should Sara use if her goal is to get more people to call her local catering business?

September 24, 2021

Google Ads Exam Answers: Which bidding strategy should Sara use if her goal is to get more people to call her local catering business?

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compelling to potential customers

When creating text ads to advertise a client’s small chain of Italian restaurants, what should you include in the ad text to make it compelling to potential customers?

September 24, 2021

When creating text ads to advertise a client’s small chain of Italian restaurants, what should you include in the ad text to make it compelling to potential customers?

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owns used car dealerships

Research for a client who owns used car dealerships show that people who visit his website also visit certain popular car blogs.

September 24, 2021

Research for a client who owns used car dealerships show that people who visit his website also visit certain popular car blogs.

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reviewing your client’s Search Network campaign

When reviewing your client’s Search Network campaign, you notice that the ads in one of the ad groups have a low average position.

September 24, 2021

When reviewing your client’s Search Network campaign, you notice that the ads in one of the ad groups have a low average position.

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Keyword Planner to identify

You can use Keyword Planner to identify:

September 24, 2021

Google Ads Fundamental Exam Answers: You can use Keyword Planner to identify? Answer: the amount of traffic potential keywords you might get

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components of Quality Score

Every time that your ad is eligible to show, AdWords calculates its Ad Rank using your bid amount, components of Quality Score and

September 24, 2021

Every time that your ad is eligible to show, AdWords calculates its Ad Rank using your bid amount, components of Quality Score and:52

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disapproved for editorial reasons

Your client noticed that his ad was disapproved for editorial reasons. Why is it important for him to understand and abide by Google’s advertising policies

September 24, 2021

Your client noticed that his ad was disapproved for editorial reasons. Why is it important for him to understand and abide by Google’s advertising policies

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very disorganized Google Ads

Cliff just started working with a client who has a very disorganized Google Ads account. What’s an effective way for him

September 24, 2021

Question: Cliff just started working with a client who has a very disorganized Google Ads account. What’s an effective way for him to begin restructuring his client’s account? Create multiple campaigns, each with a set of related keywords Create campaigns based on the structure of his client’s website Create one campaign with a broad selection […]

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