✅✅?Which strategy should Giorgio use to increase the number of relevant clicks from his Search Network campaign?

Google Search Network campaign

Here are some best question and answers or Google Search Network campaign Answers and Free Course Answers

Question: Which strategy should Giorgio use to increase the number of relevant clicks from his Search Network campaign?

  • Broaden his keyword list for ads with the lowest clickthrough rate (CTR)
  • Add new relevant keywords and remove keywords with low clickthrough rate (CTR)
  • Increase bids for ads with the lowest average position and clickthrough rate (CTR)
  • Increase bids on relevant keywords with low clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR)

Answer is:

  • Add new relevant keywords and remove keywords with low clickthrough rate (CTR)

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Giorgio should create new keywords that are relevant and eliminate keywords with low clickthrough rates (CTR). This strategy will increase the number relevant clicks for his Search Network campaign.

Filter your keywords to find those that are lower than your first page bid estimate. You can then increase the cost per click (CPC), bids for keywords not showing ads on the first Google search result page based on your initial page bid estimate. Automated rules can automatically raise your keyword bids if they fall below your first-page bid estimate.

Learn more here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2453976

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