What changes can you make to the Display Network campaign of a client who wants to drive awareness of her natural beauty brand:

What changes can you make to the Display Network campaign of a client who wants to drive awareness of her natural beauty brand:

Question: What changes can you make to the Display Network campaign of a client who wants to drive awareness of her natural beauty brand2

  • Increase the daily budget and add text ads with clear call-to-actions like “Buy now”
  • Use a balanced combination of broad-, exact-, and phrase-matched keywords
  • Add affinity audiences targeting people interested in green living and beauty
  • Target large metropolitan areas where people are more likely to encounter her product

Answer is: Add affinity audiences targeting people interested in green living and beauty


Explanation: For clients who want to increase awareness for her natural beauty products it is possible to enhance an Display Network campaign by adding the affinity audiences that are aimed at those who are interested in living green and beauty. Choose from these groups to connect with potential customers on a the right level and let them know to the business.These audiences were created for companies that are currently operating a TV advertisement who wish to extend the reach of their television campaign into an online audience at the most cost effective price.

Learn more here: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2497941

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