✔️✔️?An e-commerce client wants her campaign to be more profitable. After calculating this client’s total profits from Google Ads, what can you do to start maximizing results for profit?

Google Ads Maximizing Results

Here are some best question and answers or Google Ads Maximizing Results practices Answers and Free Course Answers

Question: An e-commerce client wants her campaign to be more profitable. After calculating this client’s total profits from Google Ads, what can you do to start maximizing results for profit?

  • Test different cost-per-click (CPC) bids
  • Test only one version of your ad text
  • Lower the cost-per-click (CPC) bids and increase the budget
  • Delete keywords that are generating the most clicks

Answer is:

  • Test different cost-per-click (CPC) bids

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You should test different cost-per click (CPC) bids if your client is looking to make her campaign more profitable.

Profit driven bidding is possible in AdWords with four steps

  • A formula to calculate total AdWords profits is needed.

Why? AdWords requires a formula for measuring and optimizing profit.

  • Conduct a large-scale manual bid test.

Why? By finding profitable bid opportunities quicker than the rest, you can gain an advantage in auctions.

  • Assess your results and calculate your profit.

Why? Identify areas that need improvement while you analyze your results.

  • Automate your bidding process.

Why? To free up time to focus on strategic priorities.

Learn more here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6167149?hl=en

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